Mule Coffee Roasters

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Telling Our Story

For any business one of the most challenging aspects is to let everyone out there know who they are and what are they all about. Packaging becomes an extremely important channel to communicate such message and we all try our best to pass on such important information. It is easy to get lost in translation while trying to fit in the current trends, designs, what is hype and what we all believe our industry is asking for…

For few years you have know us as the Coffee with the Mule head. And our packaging, with a very classic concept, has been our pride and joy. As our beloved enterprise keeps on growing and moving forward there is so much that we would like to tell, so, without touching or changing in any way our amazing mule Ramona, we decided to refresh our image around her (our logo).

This amazing new design is full of elements telling what Mule Coffee Roasters is all about. Our irreverent ways, a rebel attitude, yet, honest and transparent in our deeds, passionate and madly in love with our product.

Produced and designed by an amazing team of artist we are extremely satisfied with this final result.

Enjoy our bags and furthermore their superior quality content grown and nourished by the real heroes of this story: The Coffee Farmers and their Communities.

Muchas Thankyous

Cesar X