An Everchanging Coffee Industry

What a year… 2020 will be remembered as a historical fracture in human history.

Something as small and, supposedly, insignificant as a virus has taken the entire planet to a halt point.

From entire continents, countries, cities and small towns, we all have seen our way of life changed dramatically in front of our own eyes… Our beloved coffee chain hasn’t been the exception to it.

The overwhelming majority of coffee producing countries have third and second world living standards. Health services, education and infrastructure is often insufficient to cover the basic needs of their general population. Farmers and their communities are often exposed to facing the pressure not only to protect their health and wellbeing but to protect their produce and the logistical channels to be able to move their precious harvests.

We have faced our own challenges with delivery times and availability of produce given the fact that global distribution networks were facing their own difficulties for months, then roasting, packing and distribution has dramatically changed to accommodate all the necessary rules and procedures to maintain a Covid19 safe environment.

Distributors and operators have also faced countless challenges, from complete bankruptcy to reinventing their business models to survive and keep fighting the good fight.

It has been a time to re-evaluate relationships, to open our eyes to sustainable alternatives and to believe in cooperation and teamwork.

As roasters we have felt an enormous responsibility to maintain our promise of social and environmental sustainability. Farmers like Cesar Buesaquillo in Buena vista, Quindio, Colombia are counting on us and the survival of our business on the same intensity the team at Wilson Café in Surry Hills not only expect their coffee to be consistent and of great quality but for service and efficiency to be at the expected standards.

All this while we as citizens, public servants and authorities try our best to comply with our part and keep our economy and our society in motion.

We do live in the Lucky Country… As Australians and despite the many mistakes and fails, we have manage to keep the situation under control. Communities all around the country have supported each other. The great majority of Cafes and coffee roasters are still standing thanks to all of us and our natural instinct of MATESHIP.

Such intrinsic and powerful values also translate in supporting farmers locally and in other continents who are trying their best to deliver top quality produce while protecting their environment and their communities.

Choose wisely when purchasing your daily brew. Support those ones who care about transparency and a sustainable chain.

It is said that we have one of the best coffee cultures in the planet… We do believe so too.

Cesar X Vela

Colombian Connection Coffee
Sydney based coffee roaster of the finest organic single country single origin coffee beans.

Telling Our Story


Mule Coffee Roasters