Brewing with a Coffee Geek


Brewing The Perfect Cup of Coffee

Espresso coffee making (Any style of coffee brewed in espresso machines) has dominated the modern coffee industry ever since its beginnings in the early 1900s. The modern specialty coffee scene has transformed the way we drink espresso coffee as well as re-introducing some traditional coffee preparation methods while also adopting other new and innovative extraction methods.

All these non-espresso brewing options are currently known as “Alternative brewing methods”.

Alternative Brewing is becoming quite the topic. There are brewers championship, AeroPress competitions and world-famous Syphon brewing bars among many other avenues where “basic brewing” is becoming more technical and complex.  

In this short and very simple step-by-step guide we will visit the basics of what we consider, the most popular Alternative Coffee Brewing Methods available to everyone.

Every coffee is different and so the way they react to our environment. For the following basic guides we suggest the standard 60g of coffee to 1Litre of water. 1:16

Blooming or Pre-infusion is an important step to get the best out of your coffee ground by allowing its essential oils and sugar molecules to open up before proceeding to full extraction.

To Pre-infuse your ground pour between 50ml to 80ml of hot water over your ground and allow to bloom for 30 seconds before continuing with your coffee making experience.

For more specific recipes check our suggested brewing guides for each one of our featured coffees.

A handy tip for you coffee making in case you don’t have a scale is that a teaspoon of coffee ground is approximately 2gr.