Guayata and La Bomba Pink Bourbon - A Duo Here to Stay!


Welcome to our coffee haven, where the magic of flavour happens with two stellar single-origin coffees: Guayata and Pink Bourbon. These beans, once thought to be fleeting seasonal delights, have found a forever home in our lineup. Why? Because you, our awesome coffee community, couldn't get enough! Your enthusiasm and love for these brews have made them permanent fixtures, satisfying the cravings of coffee lovers worldwide.

Guayata - A Timeless Classic

A coffee that has transcended the boundaries of seasons, becoming a timeless classic. Cherished for its comforting and robust coffee flavour, Guayata has found a permanent home for those seeking a traditional yet high-quality coffee experience.

An omniroast coffee that adapts seamlessly to various extraction methods. From the classic drip to French press and espresso. The goal of omniroasting is evident, creating a coffee that caters to all brewing preferences, ensuring coffee lovers can enjoy this exceptional single origin regardless of their chosen method.

Pink Bourbon - Elevating Your Coffee Experience:

Now, let's dive into the world of Pink Bourbon, a coffee designed to elevate your coffee experience. Born for the spirited souls who crave an adventure in every cup, Pink Bourbon has secured its place for good. Tailored for the adventurous coffee connoisseurs who revel in alternative brewing methods, Pink Bourbon promises a unique profile and nuanced flavours, making it the ideal choice for those who appreciate the artistry of pour-over, AeroPress, or any unconventional coffee brewing technique. Step outside your comfort zone and embrace the adventure with La Bomba Pink Bourbon.

Whether you seek solace in the comforting arms of Guayata or embark on a thrilling coffee journey with Pink Bourbon, know that these single-origin treasures are here to stay. Their permanence is a testament to your unwavering demand for excellence in every cup. Indulge, experiment, and savour the distinct personalities of Guayata and Pink Bourbon. Happy brewing!


The Grind Matters: Unlocking the Secrets to Perfect Coffee


Same Taste, Better Looking Packaging: Unveiling the Colombian Rhapsody Journey.